John von Neumann Sees the Future

John von Neumann


If you want to understand the world we live in, you have to know about the thinking of three men – Alan Turing, Claude Shannon and John von Neumann. I’ve talked a little about Alan Turing in an earlier essay.  All three men knew each other, discussed their ideas with each other and promoted each other’s ideas.

John von Neumann has been called the smartest individual of the 20th Century.  Even an outline of his accomplishments, which you can read about in Wikipedia, is hard to believe.  He invented game theory, which I discussed in two earlier posts.  He headed up a group of mathematicians who invented new statistical techniques at Los Alamos that made the atomic bomb possible. In 1944, he wrote a memo that outlined the structure of the modern computer. He then managed the design and building of a modern general computer and consulted on the building of virtually all the early computers.


In the early 1950s, von Neumann, like Alan Turing, became interested in the similarities and differences between computers and the human brain.  The study of both was in its infancy.  But von Neumann already saw that comparisons between computers and human brains could benefit both computer science and neuroscience. In the far future, he believed they might even converge.

In 1956, von Neumann was asked to give a series of guest lectures at Yale, summarizing his thinking.  Unfortunately, he was dying of cancer and couldn’t personally deliver the lectures. In 1957, they were published in a short book, The Computer and the Brain.

Although it was not certain at the time, von Neumann assumed (correctly) that the output of neurons was digital.  Either a neuron fired or it didn’t.  From this, he argued that a computer could simulate the processing of the brain but that the converse wasn’t true.

Von Neumann calculated that the processing speed of the brain was very slow but the brain overcame this through massive parallel processing.  All of the neurons, about 100 billion, are processing at the same time; through synapses between neurons, they are all computing simultaneously.  This is how supercomputers work – parallel processing through the interaction of many computers. Only at vastly faster speeds than the brain.  The total processing, measured in operations per second, is approaching that of the brain.

But von Neumann saw even further into the future.  He believed that we were at the beginning of a turning point in human history.  He foresaw that the exponential increase in knowledge of computer technology and how the brain worked would have profound effects on humanity’s future. In the early 1950s, he told Stan Ulam, himself a brilliant mathematician, that

the ever accelerating progress of technology and changes in the mode of human life give the appearance of approaching some essential singularity in the history of the race beyond which human affairs, as we know them, could not continue.

The possible implications of this statement, especially the use of the word “singularity,” are scary.  If you would like to know just how scary, and how near we are, read Ray Kurzweil, The Singularity is Near:  When Humans Transcend Biology.  I would not recommend reading this just before you try to go to sleep.


In 2011, IBM’s supercomputer Watson played against the two best Jeopardy players.  Watson’s predecessor, Big Blue, had defeated the world’s best chess player, Gary Kasparov.  Chess is a highly structured game where Big Blue’s ability to evaluate millions of combinations of future moves gave it an advantage over the more limited memory of Kasparov.  But Jeopardy was different.  Besides knowing a vast and varied amount of information, the supercomputer had to understand natural language and come up with the most probably answers.  Jeopardy clues included puns, metaphors, double entendres, humor and worse, word combination and rhymes not found in normal speech.  Rather surprising, Watson beat the two human competitors.  For some computer scientists, this meant that Watson had passed the Turing Test.  For a few others, Watson had gone beyond it.


The following is a summary of an article in The New York Times, “Brainlike Computers, Learning From Experience,” December 29, 2013.

“Computers have entered the age when they are able to learn from their own mistakes.”  They can automate programming, like how to move a robot’s arm, and tolerate errors.  The new computer chips are based on neuroscience, “how neurons react to stimuli and connect with other neurons to interpret information.”  The new approach to artificial intelligence will allow computers to do many things humans do with ease – “see, speak, listen, navigate, manipulate and control.”  Some of this, such as SIRI voice recognition, is already here.

The big difference is that computers will no longer be limited to what they have been specifically programmed to do.  Computers use statistical algorithms to learn.  Last year, Google researchers used a type of algorithm called a neural network into a computer, which was able to learn without detailed instructions or human supervision.  The computer was fed 10 million images and taught itself how to recognize cats.

The new processors are not programmed in the usual sense.

Rather, the connections between the circuits are “weighted” according to correlations in data that the processor has already “learned.”  Those weights are then altered as data flows in to the chip, causing them to change their values and to “spike.”  That generates a signal that travels to other components and, in reaction, changes the neural network, in essence programming the net actions much the same way that information alters human thoughts and actions.

This is how the brain works.  A neuron (nerve cell in the brain) receives information from hundreds or thousands of other neurons.  If a critical level of cumulative inputs is reached, the cell “spikes” and sends an electrical impulse down a filament called an axon.  This releases chemicals called neurotransmitters that are picked up by other neurons and may contribute to their “spiking,” possibly changing other neurons.  These changes lead to changes in human thoughts and actions.

An advantage of the new approach is that the algorithms can adapt and continue working even when there are failures to complete prior tasks.

Computers are combining biological and statistical techniques to overcome the limitations of traditional programming.

It seems to me that the logic of this approach is similar to Bayesian statistics.  The general nature of the algorithms, neural networks and genetic algorithms, has already been developed.

This is another step away from the rigid programming and error-free hardware of computers.  There will be feedback effects as scientists learn more about how the brain works and how computers are programmed to simulate the brain.  Already, there is a field of research called computational neuroscience.

The largest class at Stanford last fall was a graduate course on applying biological and statistical techniques to computer learning.

All of this returns us to the early speculations in the 1940s and 1950s on how information theory and computers were going to influence other disciplines, particularly the biology of the mind (neuroscience).  The difference is the incredible advances in our knowledge of the brain and the equally incredible increases in the processing capacity of computers.  A “thinking computer’” is no longer a metaphor or an impossibility.   The convergence and feedback of the two areas are leading us into a future even beyond the wildest dreams of the early thinkers.

Except John von Neumann.

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