
Showing posts from April, 2020

Josiah Wedgwood, the Wedgwood Pottery Company, and the Beginning of the Industrial Revolution in England

This is how one company actually began the Industrial Revolution. The revolutionary generation that first adopted steam engines saw the following trends and changes: Manufacturing was being modernized by a small group of entrepreneurs. Much of the new raw material processing and manufacturing was concentrated in a small area in the middle of England, away from London. These modernizing entrepreneurs formed a new economic, intellectual and social network. Modernizing entrepreneurs like Wedgwood tended to be members of Dissenting sects (not members of the Church of England), Whig (liberals) in politics, and believers in “progress.” They were optimistic about the future, influenced by the ideas of Hume, Rousseau, Locke and Adam Smith. They believed their society could be reformed and they were active agents for improvement. They believed in studying and understanding the material world through reason, data, experience, and experimentation. They had personal ties with

Adam Smith's Pin Factory

Adam Smith’s Pin Factory Adam Smith’s description of a Pin Factory is on the first page of The Wealth of Nations .   (Chapter 1 – “Of the Division of Labour”)   Drawings of pin factories of this period show workers using hand tools. Smith says the process can be broken down into 18 distinct steps, including the packaging the pins.  He  mentions that pin factory workers were poorly paid, despite their high productivity.  This contradicts the economic assumption that higher productivity (output per worker) leads to higher wages.  Adam Smith goes on to say he visited a pin factory employing 10 men who produced 48,000 pins per day.   If ten workers did every step themselves, Smith says they could each produce 10 or 20 pins per day.   So the pin factory replaces up to 4,800 pin makers.   The increase in labor productivity (output per person per day) is as high as 50 times that of individual pin makers.    The reduction in unit cost or average cost (AC) and the huge increase in