
Showing posts with the label Baldwin Locomotive

A Historical Example of Bilateral Oligopoly: Baldwin Locomotive Works

Baldwin Locomotive Baldwin, the largest producer of steam locomotives in the                 nineteenth century, faced problems typical of a dominant company in a bilateral oligopolistic industry.   Almost everything that               happened at Baldwin was conditioned by a highly cyclical, almost   unpredictable competitive environment.   A high level of business       risk followed from sudden, large fluctuations in demand. This         meant that Baldwin often had excess capacity with substantial         fixed investment, leading to a strategy based on economies of scope and not economies of scale.   Baldwin also depended on a skilled       labor force with firm-specific knowledge and experience that was    exposed to sudden and massive layoffs followed by the company’s   attempts to rehire the same workers.   It is hard to imagine a more    challenging competitive environment.                                                      Baldwin was a large and dominant firm, a