
Showing posts with the label American Constitution

The Roman Republic and America

  The Pantheon   Remember, Roman, that it is yours to lead other people. It is your special gift.      Virgil,  The Aeneid   We are the indispensable nation.  We stand tall.  We see further into the future.      Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright                  Imagine an educated Roman office from around 20 BC. He had spent most of his military career in the last decades of the Roman Republic and now is a legion commander in the first years of the Roman Empire of Caesar Augustus. Rome is at the height of its power and influence, acquired through conquest during the Roman Republic. Now image he was transported through time to today’s Washington. After marveling at the new technology (horseless chariots?), like any curious tourist he would start to look for similarities to his hometown, imperial Rome.   The similarities would not be hard to find.  ...

Revolution and the New Country: American History, 1755-1790

  The Causes of the American Revolution How the Colonials Won Creating a New Nation-State   Introduction History is irony. Things turn out differently than expected or planned, there are unintended consequences, a short-run success can be the source of a long-run failure.   The French and Indian War is an example. England, with American help, won the war. But, as a consequence of the war, England changed its policies towards its American colony. And lost America.   The loss of the American colonies was more important than the gain of Canada.   The French and Indian War was part of a global conflict between England and France. After England’s victory in North America, they made bad decisions affecting their American colonies. From being an ally, Americans became increasingly angry at English policies. The result was that only 12 years after the official end of the French and Indian War (1763), Americans rose up in revolt against English rule. The American Revolut...