A Stylized Model of Innovation: The Dynamics of Capitalism

Nicola Tesla There has been a debate in economics on whether innovation is exogenous (outside the economy) or endogenous (inside the economy). This is another one of those dichotomies that obscures explanations of economic processes. This is a stylized narrative of the path of economic innovation, the dynamics of the modern, industrial economic system. The resulting economic structure is mostly oligopoly, the domination of markets by large corporations. Innovation begins with public knowledge, often scientific or mathematical discoveries that sometimes do not seem to have any practical value. Imaginary numbers, general equations of electromagnetism, the Second Law of Thermodynamics, Brownian motion, E=mc**2, the structure of DNA, the conductivity of solids, quantum superposition, etc. Some scientists and inventors begin to see possible applications of this scientific knowledge. In the 20 th century, they are often funded by ...